Polymer 80 PF-Series Magwell Installation

If you want to add a bit of flare and usability to your Polymer 80 Sub-Compact, Compact, or Full Size frame the PF-Series Magwell is the perfect accessory.

The PF Series Magwell by P80 is affordable and can be installed in 30 seconds flat.

polymer 80 magwell packaging

We will walk you through how to install the PF-Series Magwell on your Polymer 80 in 5 easy steps.

3D Gun Builder sells the best P80 Magwells that ship fast to your door, ready for installation.

#1 Magwell Pick
P80 Magwell Upgraded EDC Compact/G19

The Polymer 80 (P80) Magwell is upgraded and perfect for your everyday carry.

  • Magwell
  • Mounting Screw
  • Compatible with PF940C frame
Get Pricing

Step 1 – Remove PF-Series Magwell from Packaging

If you maintain a few brain cells this step should be pretty easy!

We just wanted to show you the PF-Series Magwell in the packaging from P80.

polymer 80 pf series magwell compact g19

Step 2 – Slide Magwell onto the Front Lip of your Polymer 80โ€™s Grip

Angle the PF-Series Magwell upwards and slide it over the lip of the pistol grip.

Make sure the Magwell locks onto the protruding part or lip of the bottom of the grip.

p80 pf magwell installation step 1

Step 3 – Push Rear of Magwell up

Next, you will need to push the rear of the Magwell up onto the grip.

You may need to play with the angle a bit to ensure the front stays โ€œlatchedโ€ under the grip and the rear part of the Magwell pops into place.

Once seated correctly you should see the small Magwell screw on the back of the PF-Series lined up with the hole on the pistol grip of your P80.

Step 4 – Tighten Magwell Screw

You will use a small screwdriver as we did here or an Allen wrench if you have the correct sizing.

Mcgyver-style tools will work for this part of the Magwell installation.

p80 pf magwell installation step 4

Note: The PF-Series Magwell does not include any extra hardware or a tool for tightening the Magwell screw.

You will turn your screwdriver or Allen wrench counterclockwise until it sits flush or just above flush with the frame. This screw will keep the Magwell in place and firmly aligned with your Polymer 80 grip.

This Magwell is great because it lines up perfectly with all models of P80 and there is zero play or wobble when installed correctly.

p80 pf magwell installation step 5

Step 5 – Enjoy your Installed Magwelll; Load Up a Magazine

There you go your P80 PF-Series Magwell is now installed on the frame of your handgun.

You are now ready to hit the range, go into combat, or display your Polymer 80 with just a bit more pizzaz!

p80 magwell with magazine installed compact

Have any questions about installing your Magwell on a Polymer 80?

Leave us a comment down below and we will help you out.

Written By

Dan M.
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