Who is Freeman1337
Freeman1337 is the author of a ton of highly anticipated 3D firearm designs.
His 3D printed designs and builds include:
- The Fanny Blaster – 3D Printable Taurus 709 Frame
- “The Freeloader” AR15 Magazine Loader/Unloader
- Angled Foregrips – mk2
- AR15 Magazine Speedloader
- ‘Everytown’ 3D Printable AR15 22lr Magazine
- Project lopoint v2
- AR15 Foregrip Accessory Pack
- ar308-speedloader
- Wooly Bully Taurus G3
All of his 3D firearm and accessory designs can be found on his Gatalog profile or on 3D Gun Builder. It is designers like Freman1337 who are bringing the gun industry and the 2nd amendment into the 21st century.
We will be sure to watch Freeman1337’s new 3D builds as they are released to the public.
3D Gun Designs
FOSS Cannon
FOSS Cannon Taurus G2/G2C/G3C Details The Foss Cannon is a 3D printable pistol compatible with the following Taurus models, PG111G2,
Lo-Point v2
Lo-Point v2 Details The Lo-Point v2 is the latest generation of the 3D-Printed Hi-Point C9 and CF380 pistol frame. Hi-Point
Wooly Bully Taurus
Wooly Bully Taurus Details The Wooly Bully is the 3D printed lower frame for the Taurus G3 pistol. The Taurus