Chimera .410 Shotgun Details The Chimera .410 is a hybrid 3D printed and metal framed break barrel shotgun. In recent months, the idea of combining 3D printed components along with easy-to-order fabricated metal parts has become popular (see the DB Alloy). This Shotgun, designed by 3D gun developer Pilot Geek, builds on this idea. This […]
Tag: PilotGeek
PG22 Maverick v2
Maverick PG22 Short Revolver Details The PG22 Maverick designed by PilotGeek is a great 3D printed gun to get started in the hobby. With affordable Maverick parts kits ($60 on average) and minimal parts required, this gun is bringing 3D gun fun to the masses. Chambered in the old-school .22 short with a pepperbox-style chamber […]