Who is Are Wild Arms Research & Development
Jonathan Wild is an author and owner of Wild Arms Research & Development.
Originally from the UK, he came to the US in 2007 with a passion for the 3D printed firearms industry.
He is currently working on several projects to benefit the 3D firearms community, including firearm books, documentaries, and several rocket launcher variants.
Stay up-to-date with Wild Arms on their Instagram or Youtube channel.
3D Gun Designs
Fliegerfaust Rocket Launcher Details The Fliegerfaust, also known as the “Luftfaust,” was a German prototype of an unguided, man-portable, multi-barreled
Frankenfaust Rocket Launcher Details The Panzerfaust is a German anti-tank weapon that was first introduced during World War II. It
M202 Flash
M202 Flash Rocket Launcher Details Once thought to be a pipe dream the days of the 3D printed rocket launcher